Sleep Apnoea And Snoring

Sleep Apnoea and Snoring Treatment in Dubai

Do you have trouble getting a good night’s rest? Do you struggle with snoring or suspect that you could have undiagnosed sleep apnoea? If so, oral appliance therapy is an effective solution for specific types of anatomical-related sleep apnoea and sleeping disorders.

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)

When you sleep, obstructive apnoea is a specific type of disorder that blocks oxygen flow to your lungs and brain. OSA is caused by soft tissues at the back of your mouth — like your soft palate, tonsils, and tongue — physically collapsing against one another and sealing off your upper airway. In turn, your body can’t get enough oxygen while you’re sleeping and your blood pressure and overall body inflammation begin to increase. 

OSA can be life-threatening, placing you at a statistically higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Even though you may feel like sleep apnoea and snoring are not a “big” issue to worry about, treating them could potentially save your life.

Common warning signs

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Weight gain
  • TMJ disorder
  • Ear pain
  • Flat, worn teeth
  • Broken dental work
  • High blood pressure
  • Large neck circumference
  • Waking up tired

Symptoms of Sleep Apnoea

Snoring is not an exclusive symptom of severe or mild obstructive sleep apnoea. In fact, some people may never snore at all! Depending on the type and severity of sleeping disorder that you have, you may experience some of these common warning signs.

Additionally, our Dubai dentists can screen you for obstructive sleep apnoea by performing a clinical exam. Depending on the size of your intraoral tissues (tongue, tonsils, etc.) and neck circumference, we can let you know whether or not you are at a high risk of OSA. We can also take a 3D CBCT scan to assess your upper airway.

Oral Appliance Treatment for Sleep Apnoea

CPAP machines are not the only way to manage sleep apnoea. A great alternative to sleep apnoea treatment is to wear a professionally fitted oral sleep appliance. These special dental appliances are designed to position your mandible (lower jaw) slightly forward, which then reduces the chances of soft tissues sealing off your airway while you sleep. 

Only trained sleep dentists can provide oral sleep appliances, as these are medical-grade devices that must be fitted by a professional. They can also be prescribed by your sleep physician or pulmonologist, and delivered in our office.

Oral Appliance for Snoring

Perhaps you don’t need sleep apnoea treatment, but you do suffer from chronic snoring. Or maybe you have mild obstructive sleep apnoea that doesn’t quite require a CPAP machine. A CPAP for snoring wouldn’t be ideal, but you can still effectively treat the noisy habit with the help of your dentist. 

An oral appliance for snoring will work similarly to other obstructive apnoea therapies by improving your airway and oxygen flow. Some people see improvement in their snoring within a night or so; we can adjust your oral appliance as needed to help you gain the best fit possible.

Will I Need a Sleep Apnoea Test?

In years past, traditional sleep apnoea tests were performed in an overnight medical sleep lab. Today, some types of sleep apnoea can be diagnosed through a convenient take-home sleep study test. These more convenient sleep apnoea solutions make it less stressful for someone to get diagnosed and treated for their medical problem, being that the majority of individuals are happy to wear a small device at home but may be hesitant to stay in an overnight lab.

Your experience at Health Call is our top priority.


Red Diamond Building, First Floor 107 - Jumeirah Lake Towers - Dubai



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