Dental Implants

Best Implantologist Clinic In Dubai

Health Call UAE is one of the   best implantologist clinic in Dubai, JLT. Our dedicated team of experienced professionals is committed to providing top-notch dental implant services tailored to meet your individual needs.
Dental implants are the gold standard for modern-day tooth replacement. Since they fuse with your surrounding bone, implants essentially become a permanent part of your new smile. 

Best of all, dental implants can work together to support one or several teeth at a time. They’re the next best thing to having natural teeth all over again.

What Makes Health Call UAE Unique as the Best Implantologist Clinic in Dubai, JLT
  • Award winning Center of excellence
  • Team of highly experienced dental implantologists
  • Latest technologies for highest success rates
    • Computer guided 3D Implant placement
    • CBCT Scans for bone assessment
    • Digital scanning
    • In-house dental laboratory

The Dental Implant Process in Dubai 

At our Clinic, we utilize 3D dental imaging to map out your dental implant placement in advance. This state-of-the-art process streamlines your treatment time, reduces the need for a bone graft (for dental implant placement in areas of bone resorption), and shortens your recovery time. Using CBCT scanning, your implant is placed virtually ahead of your appointment. We then create a surgical guide to show the exact point and position of the installation location on the date of your appointment.

Types of Dental Implants in Dubai

3D Guided Implant Surgery

Dental implant treatment is one of the least invasive ways to replace your missing teeth. Since dental implants rest inside of the bone (similar to an anatomical tooth) they are completely non-invasive to surrounding tooth structure.
When you incorporate our onsite CBCT (in dentistry) and 3D imaging equipment, we can map out your care for a precise and predictable dental implant experience.

Same-Day Dental Implants

Depending on which teeth are missing and how you plan to replace them, it may be possible to place and restore same-day dental implants to minimize the time you spend waiting on your smile reconstruction.

All-on-6 Dental Implants

All the teeth on 6 implants commonly called All-on-Six dental implants provide patients a full arch prosthesis that is installed for a lifetime. All-on-Six dental implants are a better choice when it comes to extensive restoration of the tooth. It is used for patients with more tooth loss and who are discontent with their looks.

All-on-4 Dental Implants

All the teeth on 4 implants commonly called as All-on-Four dental implants provide patients a full arch prosthesis that is installed permanently.
It is used for patients with full dentures who have all their teeth extracted and are very unhappy with them, particularly lower dentures.

Dental Implants Before and After

Why Choose HealthCall UAE For Dental impalnt in Dubai?


Expertise: Our clinic is staffed with the best implantologists in Dubai who possess extensive knowledge and expertise in implant dentistry.


State-of-the-Art Facilities: We utilize cutting-edge technology and advanced techniques to ensure optimal results for our patients.


Personalized Care: We understand that every patient is unique, which is why we provide personalized treatment plans designed to address your specific concerns and goals.


Exceptional Results: With our meticulous attention to detail and commitment to excellence, we consistently deliver exceptional results that exceed our patients' expectations.


Comfortable Environment: Our clinic provides a welcoming and comfortable environment where you can feel relaxed and at ease throughout your dental implant procedure.


Our Services


Dental Implants: We offer comprehensive dental implant services, including single tooth implants, implant-supported bridges, and full-mouth reconstruction.


All-on-4 Implants: Our All-on-4 implant treatment provides a permanent solution for replacing missing teeth, restoring both function and aesthetics.


Bone Grafting: For patients with inadequate bone structure, we offer bone grafting procedures to ensure successful implant placement.


Implant Maintenance: We provide ongoing implant maintenance and care to help ensure the long-term success of your dental implants.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):


What is an implantologist?

An implantologist is a dental specialist who specializes in the placement and restoration of dental implants. At HealthCall UAE, our implantologists are highly skilled professionals with extensive training and experience in implant dentistry.


How do dental implants work?

Dental implants are small titanium posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone to serve as artificial tooth roots. Once the implants have fused with the bone, they can support various types of dental restorations, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures, to replace missing teeth.


Am I a candidate for dental implants?

Most individuals who are in good general health and have sufficient bone density are candidates for dental implants. However, a thorough evaluation by one of our implantologists is necessary to determine your eligibility for treatment.


How long do dental implants last?

With proper care and maintenance, dental implants have the potential to last a lifetime. However, individual factors such as oral hygiene habits, lifestyle choices, and overall health can influence the longevity of implants.


Is the dental implant procedure painful?

Our team at HealthCall UAE prioritizes patient comfort and utilizes techniques to minimize discomfort during the dental implant procedure. Local anesthesia is typically administered to numb the treatment area, ensuring a pain-free experience for our patients.


How much do dental implants cost?

The cost of dental implants can vary depending on factors such as the number of implants needed, the complexity of the case, and any additional procedures required. During your initial consultation, we will provide you with a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with your treatment plan.

Your experience at Health Call is our top priority.


Red Diamond Building, First Floor 107 - Jumeirah Lake Towers - Dubai



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FRI: 9 AM-6 PM