Routine Dental Checkup

Routine Dental Checkup in Dubai

There’s nothing “routine” about a routine dental checkup. Although these intermittent visits seem like a normal, everyday activity, they’re integral in promoting good oral health for decades to come. When you incorporate our onsite CBCT (in dentistry) and 3D imaging equipment, we can map out your care for a precise and predictable dental implant experience.

What most people don’t realize is that by keeping routine dental checkups, we can prevent major dental needs like:

  • Tooth decay
  • Bone loss
  • Periodontal disease
  • Fractured teeth
  • Decay
  • TMJ disorder

By equipping you with the resources you need to care for your smile — and routinely assessing your oral health — you can maintain a natural set of teeth for an entire lifetime. Even if your parents lost their teeth at a young age, preventative dentistry can help break the cycle for you and your children.

The Importance of Preventative Care : One of the main reasons for the importance of dental care is to prevent problems before they start. If you’re wondering how often you should schedule a dental examination, plan on twice a year. A “routine” dental checkup every six months can give us ample time to intercept issues while they’re still reversible or small to treat. Even if you aren’t experiencing dental problems, areas of enamel demineralization or gingivitis may be developing. Both of these conditions can be reversed if caught early enough, but left alone they can cause irreversible damage to your smile.
Will I Need Dental X-rays or a Scan? Diagnostic imaging is an integral piece of your dental examination. Since spaces between your teeth and just under the gum tissues are not visible during an exam, we use digital X-rays and 3D CBCT scanning to evaluate things like bone levels, abscesses, eruption patterns, and more. Depending on the type of X-ray or scan that we’re taking, some may only be required once a year, while others are taken once every 3-5 years.

Tips for Keeping Teeth Clean: Plaque and Tartar Buildup

Between your dental cleanings, plan to thoroughly disrupt plaque at least twice a day. Brush your teeth for a minimum of two minutes, morning and night. Investing in an electric toothbrush is especially helpful, as they can remove more plaque than a manual brush in most cases. 

Additionally, clean between your teeth at least once a day. If you prefer not to floss, consider using a water flosser instead. Water flossers can easily reach between teeth, inside of gum pockets, and around or underneath fixed restorations like bridges and dental implants. 

Plaque that is left alone for 24 hours can calcify into tartar. Heavy tartar deposits may eventually spread under the gum tissues, causing disease. Scheduling a teeth cleaning every six months ensures we clean these areas of buildup before they result in permanent bone loss.

Symptoms of Gum Disease

Periodontitis is the leading cause of adult tooth loss. Fortunately, with routine dental checkups, it’s also preventable. Gum disease symptoms often include:

  • Bleeding when you brush or floss
  • Tartar buildup
  • Halitosis (bad breath)
  • Sensitive gum tissues
  • Receding gums
  • Spaces between teeth
  • Bone loss seen on your X-rays
  • Detached gum tissues
If you have active periodontal (gum) disease, a preventative dental cleaning will not be enough to ensure a healthy smile. A deep cleaning (teeth scaling and root planing) will be required to stabilize your oral health and control the disease process. Since gum disease is the most common cause of tooth loss, we recommend preventative dental cleanings before periodontitis causes bone resorption (shrinkage) and gum detachment.

Your experience at Health Call is our top priority.


Red Diamond Building, First Floor 107 - Jumeirah Lake Towers - Dubai



Work Time

FRI: 9 AM-6 PM